Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day one, con't

S actually asked for (and received of course), scrambled eggs for dinner. Scrambled-motherfucking-eggs, do you hear me? They have a squishy texture that usually she can't stand. I'm finding it an effort to NOT encourage/remind her to keep eating. I kept my comments limited to complementing her on doing a good job, though, and she fed herself about 10 bites of eggs, and five more of pudding. Of course, she pocketed most of the eggs in her cheeks like a squirrel, and eventually gagged and threw up. Still, the interest in eating was terrific - we can keep working on the skills to handle textures.

She also drank about three ounces of lemonade over the course of the evening with no prompting from me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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